Colleagues discussing future plans

Why change matters

Businesses must recognise their contribution to the climate crisis and identify changes they can make to reduce their carbon footprint and hit Net Zero. Zero Waste Scotland offers advice and resources to support businesses make greener business decisions.  

Why Change Matters

Achieving Net Zero ambitions is a top priority for businesses, and implementing a more circular business model is a crucial step towards success. Zero Waste Scotland is here to offer support for sustainable business development, advice on creating policies and regulations, help in sourcing and applying for funding and provide handy tools to make sure your business plays a vital part in our journey to a circular economy. 

How we can help

In Scotland, a number of regulations exist which are designed to help businesses and organisations to capture the value of materials. 

Policy Regulation

Support, funding & expert knowledge for Scottish businesses to help them adopt new circular business practices

Support and Funding

We have readily available resources and toolkits to help your business make the transition to net zero.


Circular Business Model

Scotland currently has a very linear economy, with materials flowing in one direction from extraction to manufacturing to use and ultimately disposal. For your business, becoming more circular and creating more sustainable supply chains can be the key to growth and success. 

Zero Waste Scotland offers resources to help your business discover the biggest causes of its carbon footprint and help to find solutions to tackle the causes and effects of climate change. 

By reducing waste and maximising the value of our resources, we can create a business network that is part of the climate solution.

Woman engineer at oil field making a phone call
grazing sheep in front of large solar panels

Your business and the climate emergency

Businesses must consider becoming more circular, creating more sustainable supply chains and helping to tackle the climate crisis. By reducing and maximising the value of our increasingly limited resources, businesses can become part of the solution to the climate crisis.

Knowledge hub
