Bread baking in an industrial oven

Target Measure Act Programme

23 Mar 23

Helping Scotland’s food and drink industry reduce food waste and tackle climate change.

Zero Waste Scotland invites Scotland’s food and drink sector to register for the ground-breaking, industry-wide Target Measure Act programme.

The programme has been developed by IGD and WRAP as part of a route map to reducing food waste which is accelerating the speed of climate change. Businesses registered to the programme will help to achieve Scotland’s ambitious target to reduce food waste by 33% by 2025.

Some of the UK’s largest retailers, food producers, manufacturers, and hospitality and food service companies including Tesco, Warburton, Nandos and Bute Island Foods have already committed to milestones laid out in the Target Measure Act programme.

Benefits of joining

  • Empowers employees to measure and report food waste consistently and with confidence;
  • Helps take action to reduce waste, delivering financial and environmental benefits;
  • Helps Scotland play its part in delivering the?UN's Sustainable Development Goal 12.3;
  • Enables learning and benchmarking against published data;
  • On signing up you will receive a promotional pack to show to your customers and staff you are committed to tackling climate change by reducing food waste;
  • You will be featured on our website as having signed up to ‘Target Measure Act’ on food waste.

The programme is easy to participate in. We ask that you:

  • Take a benchmark of the food waste volumes your organisation has produced over a 12-month period;
  • We’ll help set up a unique, realistic target to reduce your waste;
  • We’ll help implement processes to reduce food waste and we’ll put you in touch with any waste reduction funding you might be eligible for.

Your 'Get Started Toolkit' includes:

  • Commitment form - sign up by returning your signed commitment form;
  • Data capture sheet – An easy to complete tool to record a benchmark of the food waste volumes your organisation has produced over a 12-month period;
  • Webinars - recorded by WRAP help you start measuring food waste and completing your data capture sheet
  • Promotional pack - we will provide a ‘Target Measure Act’ promotional pack to help you run your own campaign on your website and social media channels.  Showing your customers and staff that you are committed to reducing food waste to help tackle climate change by reducing food waste.

Find out more about the programme on this introductory webinar by WRAP in the short video below: 

Brand ambassadors

Scottish food and drink industry on the Target Measure Act programme, you can register as a brand ambassador by?returning our ‘brand ambassador form’.

We will feature you on our website as a brand ambassador for the programme.

Register for your toolkit now: